Our annual “Summer Daze” cookout / downhill event was held at Larry F’s house in Norwood on Saturday Sept 28th, 2019 starting with dinner and followed by racing!

The club grilled out (hamburgers, hot dogs. brats) and there was a great assortment of homemade potluck items brought by club members.
After dinner, Larry had his track up and running and the club staged a number of downhill races:

Race 1: “Grab Bag / Case Race” For this event, members bought their race entries at random from a brand new case of Hot Wheels (no peeking!), opened them and competed for top honors!. Fastest car won a case of unopened cars and ALL the bragging rights.

Race 2: “You Animal!” (cars named after animals) This race was open to unmodified Hot Wheels that are named after animals (not fantasy castings that represent animals). Examples include Jaguar, Mustang, Cougar, etc.

Race 3: Paint Your Own race: This event was open to all unmodified Hot Wheels that members had painted themselves. Here’s the catch… entries could not be drilled / taken apart. The had to be more than 50% painted to qualify (judges decide). We saw creative use of markers, poster paint, nail polish, nail-art decals, etc.

Race 4: Tow Truck / Tow Bait race. This is a bit of a strange one, but it turned out to be a real riot… Entries for this race had to consist of a tow truck/vehicle that’s towing another vehicle. This means that at least two wheels of the towed car (the tow bait) had to be touching the track and entries had to stay on the track in their own lane AND remain together for the length of the race / until they crossed the finish line. Members got creative fastening the tow bait to the tow vehicle (string, rubber band, glue, tape )

Race 5: “Mamma Mia, that’s Italian!” race: This race was open to any unmodified Hot Wheels vehicle that represented a model from an Italian car manufacturer…Ferrari, Lamborghini, Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Maserati, etc. EXCEPT the Ferrari F40 casting in any form. Sorry gang, that one had to be excluded for obvious reasons.

Great time again this year. Special thanks to Larry and his family for hosting and putting on a great spread.